If you are traveling through motorbike and there is a mechanical failure, take the following steps. Do not panic. Park the motorbike on the safer side of the road and inform us. Primarily, the company Pakistan Bikers expects you to take pictures and report the problem. You will be assisted and advised accordingly. Please note, the vehicles are not insured therefore, the cost will not be covered by the company.

In case of any emergency or mishap, please call rescue service (1122) immediately. Or 15 is Police Helpline. Once you are out of danger, follow the steps mentioned above. Do not take the vehicle to any mechanic without informing the company representative as you might be ripped off.

In case of rental extension, contact Pakistan Bikers and inform them for how long you need the motorbike for. If convenient they will extend the rental duration and update the charges.
In case you are suppose to return motorbike at 5pm and you return 9pm, you will be charged for extra hours.
Pakistan Bikers only offer total loss insurance.
You must have a valid license before you rent the motorbike. Even if you have a license from your home country it will be considered legal.
The motorbike comes with a standard helmet. You can also rent premium quality helmets from Pakistan Bikers.

The rental period is 9:00am to 9:00am . If it exceeds this time frame you will be charged for the next day.

Yes, as per your wish the motorbike will be delivered to you and additional charges may apply.
20 Years is minimum age for rental.
In case of any loss or damage to the key, you will be charged an amount of replacement and mechanic charges.
If you reserve and cancel your reservation amount will not be refunded by the company.

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