Wild West Unpaved

Arizona   |  California   |  Nevada

Exploring some backcountry and enjoying the scenery.

The Unpaved Wild West Tour is an adventure experience! We will explore the backcountry of Nevada, California and Arizona by riding unpaved and paved roads. The unpaved surfaces will be a variety of mainly gravel, stones and some bits of sand, but it will always be some kind of official thoroughfare.

We will be riding a nice mix of both, paved and unpaved roads (70/30). We will have lots of fun riding and exploring. In addition we will visit some of the great sights of the area like Death Valley, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, and more … PLUS a chance to ride segments of the backcountry discovery routes. This tour will be a challenge and an experience of a life time.

The tour has been designed for solo riders. However, a skilled rider-passenger team can do the tour with two-up as well.

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